Friday, February 18, 2011

HG The-O

 After reading Falldogs review at Otaku Revolution (
I was disappointed to hear that the MG wasn't all that great, also the box is freaking HUGE witch was one of the reasons why I wasn't able to get it in the first place.

When I was choosing my birthday Gundams I was pleased to see they had a HG version of The-0 available.

Personally I think it looks awesome, the extra arms at the bottom are a bit of a gimmick but they do give The-O a unique flavor and they are also quite fun to pose.

I gave some brush painting a go to ad in all of the green detailing.

I filled up the little pools and then once they were dry I scraped the excess off with my scalpel and then buffed the plastic back to a shine.

If you like the look of The-O the HG version is a good alternative to go for, again the posability isnt that great but its quite a quality built model.

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